Still, Life

Interactive Painting
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Frame captures from various editions of Still, Life
Custom Graphics Software
Dimensions Variable
Duration Infinite
By using cutting-edge hardware and machine learning algorithms, real world scenes are captured and recreated digitally with astonishing fidelity. Beyond simple photographs, these scenes are three-dimensional reconstructions and can be pixel-perfect representations of the 'real' world, creating new modes of artistic expression and contextualizing the notion of 'landscape and still life painting' firmly in new media art.

This series of work integrates data captured during the course of my travels and daily life over the last year, introducing a layer of personal meaning and emotion to the work. Emphasizing this aspect and the immateriality of memory, the compositions are not static but constantly in flux as the turbulence of time shifts, reforms and distorts the memories themselves.

Render from Still, Life 00 - Graffiti, Morgan Avenue, Brooklyn viewable in 4k UHD below.